The BornFyne project lead, and project coordinators alongside the Director of Family Health and team from Cameroon’s Ministry of Public Health paid a visit to the Canadian High Commission in Yaounde on the 17th of August 2023, to present the progress of the BornFyne project and strategies for the next phase towards addressing reproductive maternal and adolescent health in Cameroon.
BornFyne Lead at the Canandian High Commisson in Cameroon
Discussion session at the Canadian High Commission on BornFyne-PNMS project
The Bornfyne project supported by Grand Challenges Canada through the University of Ottawa, Canada, enables pregnant women to enjoy a positive pregnancy and empowers local health providers to achieve great maternal outcomes in their various districts.
Discussion session at the Canadian High Commission on BornFyne-PNMS project
Discussion session at the Canadian High Commission on BornFyne-PNMS project
BornFyne project lead, and the Director of Family Health at the Ministry of Public Health, presented the achievement made on the field so far and the partnership with Minsante for the project.