1. Women Deliver 2019, Vancouver, Canada
2. Health Technology Assessment (HTAi) 2019 Cologne, Germany.
3. Geneva Health Forum May 2022, Geneva
4. Impact First Summit May 2022, Lisbon Portuga.
1. Women Deliver 2019, Vancouver, Canada
2. Health Technology Assessment (HTAi) 2019 Cologne, Germany.
3. Geneva Health Forum May 2022, Geneva
4. Impact First Summit May 2022, Lisbon Portuga.
BornFyne team met with the WHO digital health team in Geneva and opened up discussions on the WHO digital adaptation kit for antenatal care. BornFyne-PNMS currently incorporates over 40% of the features of the WHO DAK tool for antenatal care.
The Bornfyne team used the Impact First Summit as an opportunity to present the Bornfyne mobile application to participants and drive discussions on digital health for reproductive, maternal & new-born child health services and its implementation in Cameroon and Zambia.